Preise und Nominierungen in  2003

Awards and nominations in 2003

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Snow White, nominated for the Golden George in 2003 category V,  on permanent display at Cheju Teddy Bear Museum in South Korea


First Price Golden George Münster, Germany April 2002

TOBY Industry's Choice Winner 2003

„Another Great Escape!"

Vignette on turntable, nominated for the Golden George 2003 in category III, on display at Cheju Teddy Bear Museum, South Korea click here for detailed view

Eric, the Red is the Industry's Choice winner 2003

Together, the viking couple won 3. Price at TED worldwide

„The Premiere of Mozart's Magic Flute"

Golden Teddy Nominee 2003

Tickles 2004 TITA


(Tokyo International Teddy Award)